Behind the curtain...
I'm used to staying unseen.
In the world of theatre, stage management are those who clean and reset the scenery, find and maintain the props, assist the performers/creatives away from the spotlight, and tell the technical team when to "go" with their lights, sounds, and special effects.
We are those to whom the company turns when things go awry. We are the ones trusted by the producers and director to keep the show on, against all impediments.
When our job is going well, the audience may never even see us; swift black-clad figures passing through the dark, always in touch with the rest of our team via headset. We are mostly unnoticed but integral to every performance. Although the best of us are valued for being stoic, level-headed, diplomatic and positive, we too harbour our private dreams, opinions and ideas.
So I'm stepping out of the shadows, using my favourite medium - the written word. I am a freelance Stage Manager who has worked in British theatre for the past 9 years on experimental new plays, Fringe comedy sketches, traditional pantomimes, feel-good musical theatre, pop up events and more. Beyond theatre, my other interests include art, literature, green living, plant-based food, social justice, rollerskating and trying new kinds of tea or gin.
My name is Emi. Nice to meet you!